Royal Identity Studios Creative Web Design and Digital Marketing Agency in Roseville, CA Tue, 29 Mar 2022 22:09:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Royal Identity Studios 32 32 The Complete Guide to Designing Websites for Businesses Mon, 28 Mar 2022 20:57:06 +0000 The Complete Guide to Designing Websites for Businesses Is your business website in need of […]

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The Complete Guide to Designing Websites for Businesses

Is your business website in need of an overhaul? If your site isn't SEO-friendly, well laid out, or optimized for mobile, the answer could be yes.

In other words, a business website should be a positive representation of your brand. It should be informative, look the part, and be devised with the intention of drawing new visitors in and making them stay.

This may seem like a lot to ask for from a site, but each of these things must be considered designing websites for businesses.

If you think your business could be ready for a brand new site, this guide will break down everything you need to know about the process. Read on to find out more.

Steps to Designing a Website

So you want to design a new website for your business. What are the steps you need to take? Well, unless you're a coding and web design mastermind, the first thing you'll need to do is to find a company that specializes in website design.

Working with a professional web designer will ensure your site contains all crucial elements and runs as it should. The next step will be to decide what you'd like your site to look like and include.

Your web designer will be able to provide you with a basic web concept, but it's a good idea to be ready with some ideas of your own. You can look around the web for inspiration and show your web designer sites you like the look of for guidance.

Next, you'll need to decide what pages you'd like to have on your site. This will normally include things like a contact page, a list of your services or products, and a blog. Blogs are good to include as they are good for SEO and can provide your customers with valuable information.

After they've built the site to your specifications, it's time to test. You should make sure to rigorously test your site before launching it to work out any kinks.

Get a free website audit!


How Much Does It Cost to Design a Website?

This is a bit like asking how long is a piece of string? The answer to this question will depend on a number of factors.

What kind of site do you want? Is it a redesign or will you be starting from scratch? How many revisions will you end up requiring?

The answers to all of these questions will determine how much your web design actually ends up costing. You can speak with your web design company about pricing before you embark on the project together. They should be able to provide you with a rough guide so you don’t get any surprises down the line.

Your Guide to Designing Websites

Designing websites is a skill somewhere between a science and an art. For this reason, the website design process requires flexibility, creativity, and vision.

If you'd like to learn more about how to design a website, we'd be happy to answer any questions you have. Get in touch today to discuss your next web design project.


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What Is Target Audience? Fri, 18 Mar 2022 00:45:22 +0000 What Is Target Audience? Picture this: you’ve set up a beautiful website for your burgeoning […]

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Target audience is a particular group at which a product such as a film or advertisement

What Is Target Audience?

identify your target audience

Picture this: you’ve set up a beautiful website for your burgeoning business. You’ve got a vision that you feel confident about and a product or service that you believe in. Everything is just how you want it.

And then, no one sees it.

Does this sound like a nightmare scenario to you? Unfortunately, it’s a potential reality for many small business owners. To avoid this fate, you should make reaching your target audience a central part of your business plan.

With a little knowledge about target audiences, you can reach the people who are most interested in what you have to offer. To learn more about target audiences and how they can help your business, keep reading below!

What Is A Target Audience?

It’s made up of people who are probably interested in what your business offers. This group is defined by demographics like age, location, income, gender, and profession.

Have you ever noticed that the ads on your computer seem to be targeted to your location, your age, or other defining characteristics? That’s because you, too, are part of a demographic group. You are part of someone else’s target audience!

How To Find Target Audience

A digital marketing agency can help you identify your target audience. They can use this information as one component of your business’s search engine optimization plan.

You can do some of this legwork yourself. Do you have existing customers? If so, think about what kind of people are attracted to your product and what they have in common.

You can also study the marketing techniques of your direct competitors. Take a look at their social media accounts, their website, and the way that they market their products. If they seem to be targeting people of a certain age or gender, people in those groups might also be part of your target audience.

Benefits of Target Audiences

Knowing your target audience allows you to narrow down the group that you need to advertise to. Instead of attempting to advertise to everyone on the internet, you can hone in on a specialized group that is more likely to be receptive to your message.


Demographic information plays a big role in how target audiences work. When you understand the kind of person who is likely to be interested in your business, you can tailor your marketing plan to their interests. Your marketing plan will look very different if you are advertising to middle-aged men than if you are advertising to young women!

Discover Your Target Audience Today

With this information about target audiences, you can market your business with the confidence that it is reaching the right people. Once you understand your target audience, you can deliver content that is tailored to exactly those people.

To get started with target audience marketing, contact our office today. At Royal Identity Studios, we offer a wide variety of online marketing services. Whether you need to perfect your SEO approach or design a marketing plan, we can help!

identify your target audience

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How Can Digital Marketing Strategies Help Grow Small Business? Thu, 09 Sep 2021 15:32:11 +0000 In the twenty-first century, it’s not enough to run a great business. Business owners have to […]

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How Can Digital Marketing Strategies Help Me Grow My Small Business

How Can Digital Marketing Strategies Help Grow Small Business?

In the twenty-first century, it’s not enough to run a great business. Business owners have to get online as well. As of 2020, digital marketing surpassed traditional marketing in revenue generated. 

Every small business would be wise to employ the best digital marketing strategies to improve their email list and increase conversion rates. But with so many options on the table for digital marketing, how do you make sure you’re using a cost-effective solution that will grow your business? 

If you’ve found yourself asking this question, you’ve come to the right place. This article will walk you through some strategies you can use in your marketing campaign to increase business in our ever-changing world.

1. Get On Social Media

Close to 4 and a half billion people use social media. It’s just the way the world works these days. 

Social media is great for small business marketing plans because it lets you get hyper-specific about your target audience. Whereas people with niche interests used to have a tough time meeting each other, on the internet, it’s very easy for them to interact. 

When you get on social media, small business owners can transform themself into marketing personas. Your business officially has a personality on social media that you can use to your advantage. 

Include your phone number and email in the bio to your social media account. Link to your website as well. This makes it easy for people who are satisfied with your social media posts to find a tour site. Speaking of which… 

2. Make Your Website Look Beautiful 

Unfortunately, plenty of small business websites look like they were designed back in 2003. Dingy, outdated business websites do just as much to repel business as dirty, smelly in-person facilities. 

The goal of online marketing is to get people back to your website. However, you can’t turn the people who come into your website into customers unless they enjoy your website as an experience.

Fill your website with good pictures of you and your employees. If you sell products, include pictures of your products. If you sell services, show your employees engaged in these services. 

Make sure that your contact information is easy to find. We recommend putting a “contact us” link at the top right of your homepage that takes customers to a contact page. 

Consider starting a blog or a podcast. These content options allow you to update your customers about a new product or service that you offer, get to know you as a person and get to know your industry. They’re also a great option to help you… 

3. Make Use of SEO 

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of designing your website so that it ranks higher in a search engine search. 

SEO often works better than content marketing because it’s passive. It works similar to putting your in-person facility in a high-traffic location. You don’t even need to say “come buy my product”, your position says it for you. 

Small business owners can improve their SEO first by adding content to their websites. The longer people spend on your website, the higher your SEO ranking is. Google begins to see that people enjoy being on your website, so they show it to more people.

Next, you can make use of keywords in your online content. This is where those podcasts and blogs come in handy. Research the words that people use to search for products and services like yours, and work them into your podcast descriptions/blog posts. 

With SEO opening up new marketing channels for you, all you need is a simple call to action to get people to shop with you. 

4. Use Email Marketing 

Email marketing is perfect for anyone looking to turn one-time customers into long-time customers. As a small business, you’ll do well to establish a series of regulars who go to you as their “guy”. 

This is almost impossible to do with a print ad. However, if you follow up with people a few weeks after they purchase for you, they’re likely to come back to you.

Email marketing can go in many different ways. At the end of the day, however, it’s mostly about reminding customers about you.

We recommend that you offer these customers a temporary discount. This will create urgency. If they liked shopping with you, they’ll want to do it again quickly to get that discount. 

Once they’ve already shopped with you twice, you will be the person their brain goes to as soon as they think about your particular product or service. This is how you get regulars. Even if there is other competition around, you just exist as the provider of that service in their head. 

5. Use Influencer Marketing 

Influencer marketing is the marketing style of the future. It refers to contacting local popular social media users — or “influencers” — and paying them to promote your product.

This is a great way to make use of real-time marketing. Often, advertising exists in a world separate from the world most people live in. This is because it takes a while for advertising projects to get approved. 

However, with the rise of the internet, you can easily work current events into your advertising. If something unique recently happened in your town, now is the perfect time to contact your local influencer and have them plug your goods and services.

The genius of influencer marketing is that you’re directly advertising to someone else’s audience. Your influencer can make use of their own style and sense of humor to make your company seem appealing. 

Use These Digital Marketing Strategies 

Running a small business in the twenty-first century isn’t easy. Not only do you have to take care of hiring the right people, controlling the quality of your product, and advertising, you also have to make use of several digital marketing strategies. However, if you get on social media, make your website look beautiful, make use of SEO, use email marketing, and use influencer marketing, you’re far more likely to succeed. 

For more information, contact us today. 

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What Exactly Is Digital Marketing? Sat, 04 Sep 2021 00:10:45 +0000 Small Businesses Doing Big Things Together Together we can impact our neighborhoods, communities, and our […]

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What Exactly Is Digital Marketing?

Small Businesses Doing Big Things Together

Together we can impact our neighborhoods, communities, and our nation.

We help small businesses get the recognition they deserve through affordable Digital Marketing Solutions. We offer small business owners a well-developed marketing plan. A marketing plan outlines how you will reach your ideal customers by implementing an effective strategy. If starting up, one major factor in success lies with effectively marketing your product or service or whatever you have to offer; this is emphasized when developing a solid and comprehensive Marketing Strategy. That’s where Digital Marketing Comes in.

Royal Identity Digital Marketing services in Rocklin, CA

So, What Exactly Is Digital Marketing?

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what exactly is digital marketing ?

Digital marketing can help widen your audience and grow your business, but what exactly is it? We explain the need to know facts in this guide. Companies that nurture leads generate 50% more sales at 33% lower costs. Unfortunately, about 73% of leads aren’t sales-ready when they interact with a brand. 
About 61% of marketers struggle to generate leads in the first place. 

If you're struggling to draw new customers to your business, consider developing a digital marketing strategy.

What is digital marketing, exactly, and what strategies can you start using? What’s the importance of digital marketing, anyway? Keep reading to find out! After reading this guide, you might realize it’s time to make a change. Read on to learn everything you need to know about going digital today! 

So you're probably still wondering

What is
Digital Marketing

First, let’s answer the question that likely brought you here: what is digital marketing?

Digital strategies involve campaigns that appear on a computer, tablet, phone, or other devices. Instead of paper flyers and billboards, your marketing efforts will appear online. 

Also called online marketing, developing a digital strategy allows you to reach consumers through digital communication. For example, you can use email marketing or social media. Other strategies include search engine marketing, websites, and other digital channels.

Marketing your business online could help you expand your reach. You could have an easier time appearing in front of people who want your offerings, too. You might increase the chances of a lead of sale as a result. 

Online marketing will help you develop an omnichannel marketing strategy. You can reach consumers at different touchpoints online. 

Engaging your audience at multiple touchpoints will help brand awareness grow.

The Importance of Digital Marketing

What is the importance of digital marketing? How can it benefit your business? Here are a few of the great advantages to keep in mind.

The Importance of Digital Marketing

What is the importance of digital marketing? How can it benefit your business? Here are a few of the great advantages to keep in mind.

1. Reach Your Target Audience

Traditional marketing materials can appear in front of almost any consumer. For example, anyone can drive by a billboard. Hundreds of people might see your flyers or brochures, too.

Appearing in front of a broad audience might not help you produce the best results.

Instead, you can use digital marketing to reach your ideal customers. Precise targeting will narrow your reach. You can appear in front of people who need your product or service.

For example, you can use pay-per-click digital advertising platforms to appear in front of customers based on:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Household income
  • Buying behaviors
  • Interests
  • Hobbies
  • Location

Adjusting your targeting could improve your ROI. You won’t have to waste time or money on people who don’t need your offerings.

2. Generate Awareness and Recognition

If consumers don’t realize your business exists, they’ll choose another local business instead. With digital marketing strategies, you can generate more brand awareness.

Remember, you can develop an omnichannel strategy to appear in front of consumers at different touchpoints. Each time they see your distinct brand, awareness will grow. It can take over five impressions before consumers start to remember you.

Repeat exposure and consistent branding will help brand recognition grow. The next time consumers need your offerings, they’ll recall your brand.

3. Remain Competitive

Chances are your competitors are already using digital marketing strategies. You don’t want to fall behind. Otherwise, they might have an easier time reaching your would-be customers.

Online marketing can help you remain competitive. 

Consider working with an experienced digital marketing agency. You can leverage their experience and expertise. With their help, you can get leagues ahead of the competition. 

4. Build Trust and Loyalty

You can use marketing methods like content creation to demonstrate your experience and expertise. Your credibility will rise as a result. You could even become a thought leader in the industry.

Establishing your credibility can help brand trust and loyalty grow. You can retain long-time loyal customers to improve your ROI. 

5. Generate Leads and Sales

You can use online marketing to draw more people to your website. Then, you can use lead generation opportunities and lead magnets to convert visitors. You could generate more leads and sales, improving your ROI further. 


Traditional marketing materials can appear in front of almost any consumer. For example, anyone can drive by a billboard. Hundreds of people might see your flyers or brochures, too.

Appearing in front of a broad audience might not help you produce the best results.

Instead, you can use digital marketing to reach your ideal customers. Precise targeting will narrow your reach. You can appear in front of people who need your product or service.

For example, you can use pay-per-click digital advertising platforms to appear in front of customers based on:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Household income
  • Buying behaviors
  • Interests
  • Hobbies
  • Location

Adjusting your targeting could improve your ROI. You won’t have to waste time or money on people who don’t need your offerings.

If consumers don’t realize your business exists, they’ll choose another local business instead. With digital marketing strategies, you can generate more brand awareness.

Remember, you can develop an omnichannel strategy to appear in front of consumers at different touchpoints. Each time they see your distinct brand, awareness will grow. It can take over five impressions before consumers start to remember you.

Repeat exposure and consistent branding will help brand recognition grow. The next time consumers need your offerings, they’ll recall your brand.

Chances are your competitors are already using digital marketing strategies. You don’t want to fall behind. Otherwise, they might have an easier time reaching your would-be customers.

Online marketing can help you remain competitive. 

Consider working with an experienced digital marketing agency. You can leverage their experience and expertise. With their help, you can get leagues ahead of the competition. 

You can use marketing methods like content creation to demonstrate your experience and expertise. Your credibility will rise as a result. You could even become a thought leader in the industry.

Establishing your credibility can help brand trust and loyalty grow. You can retain long-time loyal customers to improve your ROI. 

Leverage online marketing to drive more traffic onto your online store or business website and appear on the first page of search engines. Then, convert visitors into leads using lead generation opportunities and attractive lead magnets that appeal to their needs. With this approach you can attract even higher numbers of customers than before, thereby increasing the return on investment (ROI) for your business further still.

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We Believe In Results - So Should You

It all starts with a conversation. When you speak with one of our Marketing team members, they will give a more clear understanding of how digital marketing can help your business grow.


What vision do you have for your business? What can be done to better your business?


Our success and only mission is to bring you results. We are a result-driven Digital Marketing Agency.

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Digital Marketing Strategies Thu, 02 Sep 2021 10:44:13 +0000 Facebook Twitter Youtube Follow us Home Marketing Resources Share on facebook Facebook Share on twitter […]

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Digital Marketing Strategies

Quick Start Digital Marketing Strategies

Not sure which digital marketing strategies to start using right away? Here are a few key ones to consider.

Brand Development 

A distinct brand can help you stand out from competing businesses. Consumers will have an easier time recognizing you on sight. Your brand includes your:

Website Design and Development

Your website can help you draw more leads and sales. It’s important to make sure your site is fast and mobile-optimized, though. Otherwise, people will leave without clicking around.

If your website is old and outdated, consider working with an experienced web design expert

Content Creation and SEO

Content creation can help you demonstrate your experience in the industry. You can create blog posts, infographics, and more for your website. Then, you can draw people to your content with search engine optimization (SEO).

Nearly 70% of all online activity starts on a search engine. SEO will boost your rankings on search engines like Google.

You can draw more people to your website and start converting more visitors.

Email Marketing

You can add a form to your website encouraging people to sign up for your newsletter. Then, you can use email marketing to nurture your existing leads. Email marketing will help you remain top-of-mind. 


You can work with an experienced marketing agency to develop your branding. 

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Want to check your website health and performance? Why not? It’s FREE.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing will help you remain relevant in the industry. You can engage your target audience and keep them entertained. You can also share your website content to draw more traffic. 

Pay-Per-Click Advertising

Pay-per-click advertising allows you to create digital text and display ads. Your ads can appear as people search for your offerings. Once they click on the ad, they’ll visit your website to learn more. 

What is Digital Marketing?: The Simple Way to Expand Your Customer Base

To recap, what is digital marketing? It’s an effective way to generate more brand awareness, leads, and sales. With a strong online marketing strategy, you can set your business up for lasting growth and success. 

Ready to give your business the royal treatment? We can help.

Contact us to discover our digital marketing services today.

The post Digital Marketing Strategies appeared first on Royal Identity Studios.
